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Rodeo Queen turn Real Estate Agent!

Our wonderful agent Paula Snook-Waetzig rode in the Hulett Rodeo this past weekend as a previous queen!

"This year was the 75th annual Hulett Rodeo, they have had a Rodeo Queen every year except one. This year was the second time they invited past queens back to the rodeo for a reunion. Out of 74 past royal we had over 35 show up, so about half were there!

One previous queen is 80 years old and rode a horse in the parade!

I was fortunate to get to borrow a horse from Renita and Allen Castleberry to ride in the parade!

We rode in the Parade as a group as Grand Marshals. Those not on horseback rode in the horse drawn wagon. We also rode in the Grand Entry at the rodeo, and had a meet & greet under the Pinnacle Bank tent at the rodeo.

I grew up in Hulett and entered the rodeo queen contest at the Fall playday and BBQ without asking my parents, my Mom was not proud. Apparently it is expensive to outfit a rodeo queen..…who knew."

- Paula Waetzig

We are so grateful to have Paula in the office. Learn more about Paula and her real estate journey by clicking the button below!


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